Lesson 19 mountain 山, immortal being 仙, Buddha 佛

Lesson 19 mountain 山 , immortal being 仙 , Buddha 佛 We will introduce two Chinese radicals today, the Human radical 亻 which is normally added on the left side of a Chinese character. The second radical is Mountain 山 , it’s developed from a hieroglyphic symbol for hill, mountain (with 3 peaks). 山 mountain pronunciation: Shān Look at the animation of the strokes for Mountain symbol 山 , the strokes are either horizontal or vertical bars, pretty easy to write, isn’t it? Now the next symbol is 仙 , the combination of the Human radical 亻 plus Mountain 山 . What does that mean? The ancient Chinese people believed that some taoists lived in deep mountains practicing their “Chi 氣 , Qi 气 ” in order to become immortal beings. That’s why this 仙 symbol is Human radical 亻 plus Mountain 山 , and it turns a noun, with several meanings in Chinese, such as “god, deity, fairy, faerie, immortal being.” 仙 immortal being pronunciation: Xi...