in the house 在屋裡, on the tree 在樹上

Dear friends, 

Here is the lesson today, we will keep learning the locating adverb 在(at, on, in) along with related adverbs 裡(inside), 上(above), 中(inside). Please watch the following video for these phrases:

The first phrase:

in the house

zài wū lǐ

在(in) + 屋(house) + 裡(inside)

note: the idiom case 在(in) + somewhere + 裡(inside) is to locate something inside somewhere. 

stay in the house
dāi zài wū lǐ

待(stay) + 在(in) + 屋(house) + 裡(inside)

the piggy staying in the house
xiǎo zhū dāi zài wū lǐ

小豬(piggy) = 小(little) + 豬(pig)

小豬(piggy) + 待(stay) + 在(in) + 屋(house) + 裡(inside)

Please check the analysis of the phrases and vocabulary of this lesson via my database site:

The second phrase:

on the tree
zài shù shàng

在(on) + 樹(tree) + 上(above)

note: the idiom case 在(on) + somewhere + 上(above) is to locate something on somewhere. 

standing on the tree
zhàn zài shù shàng

站(stand) + 在(on) + 樹(tree) + 上(above)

little bird standing on the tree

xiǎo niǎo zhàn zài shù shàng

小鳥(little bird) = 小(little) + 鳥(bird)

小鳥(little bird) + 站(stand) + 在(on) + 樹(tree) + 上(above)

The third phrase: 

by the door
zài mén páng-biān

在(at) + 門(door) + 旁邊(by the side)

note: the idiom case 在(at) + somewhere + 旁邊(by the side) is to locate something beside somewhere. 

crouch by the door

dūn zài mén páng-biān

蹲(crouch) + 在(at) + 門(door) + 旁邊(by the side)

note: the verb 蹲(crouch) here normally is used for the animal like cat or tiger when they are waiting and hunting the prey, as the Kung Fu movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

kitty is crouching by the door

xiǎo māo dūn zài mén biān

小貓(kitty) = 小(little) + 貓(cat)

小貓(kitty) + 蹲(crouch) + 在(at) + 門(door) + 旁邊(by the side)

The fourth phrase:

in the water

zài shuǐ zhōng

在(in) + 水(water) + 中(inside)

note: the idiom case 在(in) + somewhere + 中(inside) is to locate something inside somewhere. 

hiding in the water

duǒ zài shuǐ zhōng

躲(hide) + 在(in) + 水(water) + 中(inside)

turtle is hiding in the water

wū-guī duǒ zài shuǐ zhōng

烏龜(turtle) + 躲(hide) + 在(in) + 水(water) + 中(inside)

here is the 2-character modern Chinese word 烏龜(wū-guī), which you may seen in the cartoon movie Kung Fu Panda as the character of Master Wu Gui 烏龜.


Well, that's all for the lesson today, please check the analysis of the phrases and vocabulary of this lesson via my database site:

Thanks for reading my blog and please remember to subscribe my YouTube channel for encouragement.

Wish you have a nice day!

Best regards,

Andres Leo


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