on the table 在桌子上, on the chair 在椅子上

Dear friends,

Sorry about the delay of this lesson. I have been hospitalized for one week and resting few days at home. Well, here is the new video today, and we are going to learn the Chinese locating adverb 在(on, at) and 上(above), 下(under), and 旁(beside). Please watch the following video:

The first phrase is:

on the table

zài zhuō-zi shàng

在(on) + 桌子(table) + 上(above)

note: the 2-character Chinese word 桌子(table) is a modern Chinese word, it's 桌(table) plus 子(suffix) behind, there are lots of modern Chinese words used this 子(suffix), like 桌子(table)=桌(table)+子(suffix), 椅子(chair)=椅(chair)+子(suffix), 孩子(child)=孩(child)+子(suffix), etc.

Put the cellular phone on the table.
Jiāng shǒu-jī fàng zài zhuō-zi shàng

將(ready) + 手機(cell phone) + 放(put) + 在(on) + 桌子(table) + 上(above)

here the Chinese character 將(ready) is used as a verb, it could mean "to get, to use" applying on an object. When you use the phrase "put something on somewhere" then you use the Chinese verb 將(ready) with another verb 放(put).

the phrase:

put on the table
fàng zài zhuō-zi shàng

放(put) + 在(on) + 桌子(table) + 上(above)

if you specialize an object for the verb 放(put), then there usually is another verb 將(ready) in front of the object. This is the modern Chinese grammar.

The second phrase:

on the chair
zài yǐ-zi shàng

在(on) + 椅子(chair) + 上(above)

note: the 2-character Chinese word 椅子(chair) is a modern Chinese word, it's 椅(chair) plus 子(suffix) behind, there are lots of modern Chinese words used this 子(suffix), like 桌子(table)=桌(table)+子(suffix), 椅子(chair)=椅(chair)+子(suffix), 孩子(child)=孩(child)+子(suffix), etc.

Put the bag on the chair.
Jiāng bāo-bāo fàng zài yǐ-zi shàng

將(ready) + 包包(bag) + 放(put) + 在(on) + 椅子(chair) + 上(above)

Here the 2-character word 包包(bag) is a modern Chinese slang word, it means "packsack, backpack, handbag" and notice the 2-same-character 包包 is a slang word, it sounds like cute, isn't it?

The third phrase:

under the tree
zài shù xià

在(at) + 樹(tree) + 下(under)

Here 在(at) is a locating adverb, just like the 在(on) in the previous phrases. In modern Chinese, it normally not emphasize the "at, in, on" just use 在(zài) for most cases.

and the word 樹下(under the tree) is combined by 2 characters:

樹下(under the tree) = 樹(tree) + 下(under)

Sitting under the tree and resting
Zuò zài shù xià xiū-xí

坐(sit) + 在(at) + 樹(tree) + 下(under) + 休息(rest)

The fourth phrase:

by the side
zài shēn páng

在(at) + 身(body) + 旁(beside)

The 2-character word 身旁(by one's side) is combined by 2 characters:

身旁(by one's side) = 身(body) + 旁(beside)

The puppy is lying beside me.
Xiǎo gǒu tǎng zài wǒ shēn páng

小狗(puppy) + 躺(lie down) + 在(at) + 我(me) + 身旁(by one's side)

The 2-character 小狗(puppy) is combined by 2 characters:

小狗(puppy) = 小(little) + 狗(dog)

You may also check the analysis of the phrases and vocabulary of this lesson via my database site:

Well, that's all for the lesson this time. Please remember to subscribe my YouTube channel for encouragement. Thanks for reading my blog.

Have a nice weekend!

Best regards,

Andres Leo


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